Last Updated: April 19, 2022


Provide a truthful, vetted, curated destination to access facts not readily available or accessible from our government, corporate media or big tech overlords.

In America, we are a free people. Free to live according to how we choose.   Our founding documents clearly define our rights as God-given and protected by our governmental system. Men, women, and children alike are born with these rights, the right to Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness….as we see fit. We have freedom of speech and freedom of the press as defined in our 1st Amendment of the Constitution of the United States. 

Throughout the last few years, we have witnessed those very rights being stripped from law-abiding citizens by the very government responsible to protect them. We have watched local, city, state and federally elected officials knowingly deny average citizens of those God-given rights. We have also witnessed our free press knowingly alter, spin, deny, and outright lie about the real facts regarding our current events. Sadly even when proven, these very ‘protectors of freedom’ have not been held accountable nor have corrected these knowingly false media-created narratives. 

This is an injustice to us all. Instead of giving truthful information, these ‘narratives’ have purposefully caused division amongst us. These narratives are manufactured to keep us fighting with each other and from us uniting together as brothers and sisters for one common purpose….to insure domestic tranquility and promote the general welfare for all!!! In short, our elected officials and our free press have failed all of us in their sole responsibility…to protect us!!! We the People are the news now!!!

We the People are the curators of our own destiny. We the People are to decide what is in our best interest. We the People are the rulers of this great Nation. It is time for We the People to come together, get properly informed, and fight to take our Country back!!!                        

This platform includes information from doctors, teachers, scientists, world-renowned virologists, top researchers, healthcare workers, students, laborers, first responders, patients, and everyday experiences from fellow Americans. In addition, the intention is to keep people reminded of the effects these unconstitutional mandates have imposed upon our schools, jobs, businesses, all of our lives, and most importantly our children. 

Through all the noise and distractions our hope is to provide a curated, vetted destination for the truth. The choice to seek that truth is yours.